About me

Welcome to my website!

My name is Jie Hu, and I’m currently pursuing my Ph.D. at the Center for Data Science, Peking University. I obtained my BS in Applied Mathematics from Tongji University in 2023.

In my first-year rotation, I’m incredibly fortunate to be advised by Prof. Kun Yuan during the first semester. I’m currently working with Prof. Chao Yang to explore some exciting topics.

My research interests include development of efficient algorithms and systems for deep learning, software-hardware co-design of AI models, large language model acceleration.

If you are interested, please feel free to contact me through e-mail :)


[ICML 2024] Distributed Bilevel Optimization with Communication Compression

Yutong He*, Jie Hu*, Xinmeng Huang, Songtao Lu, Bin Wang, Kun Yuan